Monday, July 27, 2009

Trying to embed the MP3 of my daughters voicemail

I am trying to embed the MP3 of my daughters voicemail. It really isn't that hard, I just haven't spent the time yet to put it on my server and embed it to here. Stay tuned and it'll be up soon.

So, I got the press to run better, and I should be finishing up the devil job today.

My family got chosen to be one of the families featured in a KSL news radio story about living on $100 of groceries a week. This should be fun, and easy, we have been living on $100 of groceries per week for some time now. Even including the formula.

We went to a family reunion over the weekend for a bit, I wish we could have stayed longer, but I had to go to work, because of this project. Barely got to say hi to everyone, as they all started really arriving and talking as we were leaving. Seems like that is always happening.

Well, life has its curve balls and lemons, all we have to do is make homeruns or lemonade out of them.

Till next time!

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